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Soraya Stories

Support live performances with a year-end gift

By Thor Steingraber

The past two months have been filled with joyful reunions at The Soraya. Backstage and in the lobby alike, the rituals of attending a performance have been restored, and with them, the simple joy that music and dance bring.

In the middle of the pandemic shutdown, one of The Soraya’s most loyal patrons called to share that she feared she might never again experience a live concert. Having cherished nine decades of performances in venues worldwide, this possibility seemed unfathomable. She wasn’t alone — while every other field resumed operations, concert venues stood empty for sixteen months. When The Soraya finally re-opened, she was among the first to walk in the door, and our reunion was among my most cherished.

Another moment comes to mind, this one in the dark theater during our performance of the Martha Graham Dance Company just last week. In the final moments of Appalachian Spring, there’s a climactic return of the Shaker Song. As the dancers leapt and the Wild Up musicians soared, the relevance of the lyrics that would accompany that musical theme overwhelmed me, “‘Tis a gift to be simple, ’tis a gift to be free…” Martha Graham and Aaron Copland were offering the world hope in the middle of World War II, and they deliver precisely the same today, eighty years later. The timeless beauty and the present-day meaning struck me. I sat in my seat, masked and weeping, feeling the weight of what was lost and standing witness to what we must yet regain. A live performance is a powerful tool in restoring our commonality and beckoning the best in us.

Indeed, we’re back, but there’s more work to do. For The Soraya, after 20 months dark, we continue to build back our staff, make our best efforts to ensure audiences feel safe and welcomed, and support artists in their comeback journeys as well. There’s a monumental hill ahead before we can look back and relegate the pandemic to history. But we can’t make that climb alone. Your support will propel us upward and onward. Please support live performances and include us in your end-of-year giving. There is no limit to our gratitude for those who choose to be part of our comeback.



Join us in envisioning and building the growth and success of The Soraya over the next ten years! There are many easy ways to support our venue, artists, and Arts Education programs.

  1. TEXT SORAYA10 to 243-725 to make a gift of any size.
  2. MAIL A CHECK  payable to the CSUN Foundation, attn. The Soraya. To read more about the CSUN Foundation, click here.
  4. BECOME A MEMBER or gift a membership for a loved one.

For questions about making a donation, call (818) 677-8877 or email

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