It’s important to The Soraya that our performances are available for everyone to enjoy. Our theaters are fully accessible and staffed with well-trained ushers who are available to assist.

The Soraya’s Great Hall
The Great Hall is wheelchair accessible at ALL entrances. Every entrance is at sidewalk level so it has no steps, and level floors and/or ramps enter every level.
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall
The Plaza del Sol Performance Hall (PDSPH) is wheelchair accessible at all entrances. The lobby entrance is located on the second floor and accessible via elevator located next to the PDSPH Ticket Office.
Wheelchair-accessible Seating
Wheelchair-accessible seat locations with excellent sightlines are available throughout The Soraya’s Great Hall and Plaza del Sol Performance Hall. Seats marked “Wheelchair-Accessible” are spaces for a wheelchair, while those marked “Companion Seating” are physical chairs for guests accompanying those who need accommodation. Please contact our Ticket Office at 818-677-3000 or via email at: TheSoraya@csun.edu for specific location and availability information. Wheelchair-accessible seats are also located through tickets.thesorarya.org.
Assisted Listening Devices
Assisted listening devices (ALD) are available upon request. ALDs may be checked-out at Guest Services in The Soraya’s Great Hall or from any usher in the Plaza del Sol Performance Hall. Photo identification will be held in exchange for the ALD and will be returned to you upon returning the ALD.

Sign Language Interpreters
Sign Language Interpreters are available upon request for all of performances at The Soraya. Please allow two weeks advance notice so we may schedule an interpreter. To request an interpreter for any upcoming performance, please contact the Ticket Office at (818) 677-3000, Tuesday – Saturday, 11AM – 4PM.
The Soraya’s Great Hall
Wheelchair-accessible elevators serve all levels of The Soraya and are located on all lobby levels.
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall
A wheelchair-accessible elevator takes you to the lobby entrance of the Plaza del Sol Performance Hall. Additional wheelchair-accessible elevators are available for patrons needing access to front-row seating locations.
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis for drivers with an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking permit. Please note that these vehicles are also required to display an event parking permit. For assistance, please call the Ticket Office at (818) 677-3000, Tuesday – Saturday, 11AM – 4PM.
Courtesy Carts

For all of The Soraya’s presented performances, 8-passenger open-air courtesy carts are available for patrons who need a little extra help from the parking lot to the theater. Courtesy carts are driven by well-trained Soraya staff and circle every five minutes between Parking Lot B1 and The Soraya Courtyard.
For those who prefer to travel on their own, take Mike Curb Walk for approximately 5 minutes from Parking Lot B1 to The Soraya.
Accessible Parking Locations
The Soraya’s Great Hall
A limited number of accessible parking spaces are located in Parking Lot D1. Additional accessible parking is located in Parking Lot B1 at the East end of the lot bordering Etiwanda Ave., or in Parking Lot F2 on Lindley Ave. just north of Info Booth #1.
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall
A limited number of accessible parking spaces are located in Parking Lot G3. Additional accessible parking is located just north of the G3 Parking Structure on Prairie St.
Passenger Drop-off/Pick-up
The Soraya’s Great Hall
Convenient passenger drop-off/pick-up areas are provided in front of The Soraya in Parking Lot D1, just steps away from the South Entrance. Drivers can enter easily from the intersection of Lindley Ave. and Nordhoff St.
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall
Passengers may be dropped off or picked up just southeast of the Plaza del Sol Performance Hall entrance on Prairie St., near the entrance of the Student Recreation Center. From this drop-off location, please anticipate a short walk to the hall. Drivers may enter from the intersection of Zelzah Ave. and Prairie St.
Additional Information
For answers to additional questions, please contact our Ticket Office at 818-677-3000 or via email at: TheSoraya@csun.edu. Visitors requiring special accommodations are encouraged to call at least two weeks in advance of the performance.